MODULE 1: Lecture 3


What Science says about the Self

Natural and social sciences encompass a number of disciplines that have deliberated on and explained the concet and nature of the self.

  • Biological/Physiological Sciences

    • Neurophilosophy (attributed to Paul and Patricia Churchland) is concerned with the association of the brain and the mind.

    • Psychoneuroimmunology describes the shaping of the self as similar to how the human immune system functions.

  • Social Sciences

    • Psychology defined as the study of human behavior, sees the self as a theoretical construct.

    • Psychoanalysis (proposed by Sigmund Freud) focuses on the “unconscious” as a core element of the self.

      • Behaviorism maintains that the study of behavior should be made from an observable and measurable perspective.

      • Social Cognitive Theory considers behavior as a function of the environment and internal attributes.

      • Humanistic Perspective draws its assumptions from the observed criticisms of psychoanalysis and behaviorism. It believes that every individual has the ability to reach self-actualization and transcendence, and that each person is inherently good or possesses something that is good.

    • Sociology is the study of the collective behavior of people within the society and focuses on social problems encountered by individuals.

    • Anthropology is the study of human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture.

    • Political Science (PolSci) is concerned with the participation of individuals in establishing a government and making politicl choices.

    • Economics describes and analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.